All entries
Index of all entries. This includes both internal and external
- [aissay] Differential
Diagnosis: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide 2025-02-08
- [aissay] How the Immune System
Works: A Practical Guide 2025-02-07
- Programming
ZKPs: From Zero to Hero 2024-08-30
- Client-Side
Proving on Mobile Made Easy (ZK11, Athens) [video]
(Slides available here)
- Mobile
proving with mopro workshop (ZK Day, Taipei) [video] (Oskar
Thorén and Vivian Jeng) 2024-03-25
- Mopro:
Client-side proving on mobile made easy (ETHTaipei, Taipei)
- pluralitybook/plurality
[code] (Contributor) 2024-03-11
- A set of
technical web3 events in East Asia, code 2024-03-01
- Mobile
Proving (2023 ZK Roast-up, Taipei) [video] 2023-12-25
- Client-side
proving made simple (ProgCrypto DevConnect, Istanbul) [slides]
(Only slides available) 2023-12-25
- Zero Knowledge
Taipei ZK meetup in Taipei (ongoing) 2023-09-26
- Introduction to
Folding (PSE Summer Program) (Only slides available)
- Mopro
[code] Making client-side proving on mobile simple
- microsoft/Nova
[code] Also see HyperNova fork,
PR (Contributor) 2023-08-08
- A
Friendly Introduction To Zero Knowledge 2023-07-01
- privacy-scaling-explorations/nova-bench
[code] Nova benchmarks 2023-04-06
- Towards
a Nova-based ZK VM (Carlos, Chiro, Nalin, Oskar,
Violet) 2023-04-01
- Using ZKP
for better p2p messaging with Waku (Devcon6, Bogotá) [video]
- Building
Privacy-Protecting Infrastructure 2022-11-04
- Why
Devcon should be in Taiwan (forum post) 2022-10-17
- Building
Privacy-Protecting Infrastructure (Devcon6, Bogotá) [video]
Privacy-Preserving Peer-to-Peer Economic Spam Protection (Sanaz
Taheri Boshrooyeh, Oskar Thorén, Barry Whitehat, Wei Jie Koh, Onur
Kilic, Kobi Gurkan) 2022-06-30
- zkconspiracy
[code] ZK Conspiracy 2022-04-08
- ChihChengLiang/poseidon-tornado
[code] Tornado Cash Poseidon Hash (Contributor) 2022-02-16
- vacp2p/zerokit
[code] A set of ZK modules designed to be used in
different environments 2022-01-17
- arkworks-rs/circom-compat
[code] (Contributor) 2022-01-13
- Vac
Sustainability and Business Workshop 2021-12-20
- Regulatory and
legal considerations ((Vac Business Workshop, slides)
- On
ZK gas costs and scaling solutions today, tomorrow and beyond (forum
post) 2021-10-17
- merkle-member-spike
[code] 2021-10-08
- Vac <3 ZK
- Briefly on
zk-SNARKs Mathematical Foundations (Taipei Ethereum Meetup, Taipei)
[video] (Slides available here)
- [Talk at
COSCUP] Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging 2021-08-06
- Vac, Waku
v2和以太坊的消息傳遞 (中文字幕/English subtitles) (COSCUP 2021,
Taipei) [video] Also see slides
- ZKPs for
Spam Protection & Decentralized Messaging with Status
(ZKPodcast) [audio] (Oskar Thorén and Sanaz Taheri-Boshrooyeh)
- Evolution
of Cooperation and BitTorrent Economics 2021-06-18
- 合作的演化和BitTorrent經濟設計
- 合作的演化
part 2 (Papers We Love, Taipei) [video] 2021-06-05
- Evolution
of Cooperation 2021-04-01
- 合作的演化
(Papers We Love, Taipei) [video] 2021-03-28
- 合作進化論
- 合作的演化和BitTorrent經濟設計
(錄影後半部毀損) (Papers We Love, Taipei) [video]
- [Talk] Vac,
Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging 2020-11-10
- Vac, Waku
v2 and Ethereum Messaging (Taipei Ethereum Meetup, Taipei)
[video] 2020-11-05
- Waku v2
Update 2020-09-28
- What’s the Plan for
Waku v2? 2020-07-01
- User
growth and retention Painting the target red daily by focusing
on simple metrics 2020-06-29
- Waku
Version 2 Pitch (forum post) 2020-06-26
- Kademlia
(Papers We Love, Taipei) [video] Slides
- Papers
We Love Taipei Papers We Love meetup in Taipei 2020-06-11
- RFC:
Topic propagation extension to libp2p PubSub (forum post)
- hello-stm32f3
[code] Playing around with embedded systems in Rust
- waku-org/nwaku
[code] Waku node and protocol 2020-04-28
- What Would a
WeChat Replacement Need? 2020-04-16
- vacp2p/nim-libp2p
[code] (Contributor) 2020-04-15
- Covcred: Credible claims on
Corona 2020-04-12
- Stable
Status Specs and SIPs 2020-04-01
- From
Whisper to Waku (ETHCC3, Paris) [video] (Dean Eigenman, Oskar
Thorén) 2020-03-03
- Waku Update
- nim-kad-dht
[code] Kademlia in Nim 2020-01-30
- Private
and Reliable Data Sync for Messaging Over Whisper (Devcon5, Osaka)
[video] (Dean Eigenmann & Oskar Thorén) 2019-12-09
- status-im/nimbus-eth1
[code] nimbus-eth1 (Contributor) 2019-12-09
- Fixing Whisper
with Waku 2019-12-03
- Feasibility
Study: Semaphore rate limiting through zkSNARKs 2019-11-08
- Panini - ABNF
editor Live ABNF editor, code 2019-10-24
- P2P Data Sync with a
Remote Log 2019-10-04
- Vac - A
Rough Overview 2019-08-02
- P2P Data Sync
for Mobile 2019-07-19
- Vac
website 2019-07-17
- cryptopals
[code] Cryptopals in Nim 2019-06-27
- vacp2p/rfc
[code] Vac RFCs 2019-06-18
- status-im/nim-eth
[code] (Contributor) 2019-06-12
- Chaos
Unicorn Day - What We Learned by Breaking Status (Bruno Škvorc,
Oskar Thorén) 2019-04-12
- status-im/staples
[code] Messaging with Swarm, PSS and Feeds 2019-04-11
- status-im/specs
[code] Status specs 2019-03-25
- (Mostly)
Data Sync Research Log 2019-03-15
- Chaos
Unicorn Day Shutting down our cluster and access to all
centralized services for a day 2019-03-15
- Whisper v2
Implementation Panel (EthCC2, Paris) [video] (Fatemeh Shirazi,
Oskar Thorén, & Sebastian Bürgel, Harry Halpin) 2019-03-11
- vacp2p/research
[code] Thinking in code 2018-12-18
experiment #4 - Slack cold turkey nao Being an
intolerant minority 2018-10-03
- Status
Principles Seminar Seminar series on understanding implications
of Status Principles, also see presentations
- Ethereum,
everywhere and everyone (ETHIS, Hong Kong) [video]
experiment #1 - Status intense micro adoption! Skin in the game
experiments for dogfooding 2018-09-11
- Status
Principles Codifying principles that we all agree on to
act as a tools for thinking, for communication and for decentralized
decision making, co-written by many Status core
contributors 2018-08-17
- A
Layman’s Introduction to Cryptoeconomics 2018-08-03
- Principles
from Basel Original post on Status principles 2018-07-06
- Status
Devs Meeting - open and async-useful Status Core Dev calls, also
see repo
Ethereum Mobile Browser (Software Engineering Daily) [audio]
(Jarrad Hope, Oskar Thorén) 2018-03-24
- status-im/swarms
[code] Decentralized project management 2017-11-09
- status-im/open-bounty
[code] (Contributor) 2017-10-30
- Notes On Art Of Community
1, Chapter 1 2017-09-30
- status-im/status-go
[code] (Contributor) 2017-09-03
- Notes On Applied
Cryptography, Chapter 2 - Protocol Building Blocks
- Notes on ‘Chord: A Scalable
Peer-to-peer Lookup Service’ 2017-08-05
- Notes on ‘Applied
Cryptography, Chapter 1 - Foundations’ 2017-08-05
- Notes on ‘Public Key
Cryptography’ 2017-07-25
- status-im/status-mobile
[code] (Contributor) 2017-07-21
- Basic Event
Sourcing in Clojure 2017-07-17
- Notes on ‘The
Byzantine Generals Problem’ 2017-07-15
- Notes on ‘Triple
Entry Accounting’ 2017-07-14
- Notes on ‘How To Take
Notes’ 2017-07-12
- Notes on ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer
Electronic Cash System’ 2017-07-12
- Evaluating the
Market for Whisper Walk 2017-07-08
- How to
make walking directions better 2017-04-27
- Find the tools to
get lost 2017-04-20
- Whisper Walk A navigation app for walking
- Launching Code Cards on
Hacker News 2017-02-22
- Code Cards [code] A spaced repetition tool for
programming 2017-01-30
- Spaced repetition and
practice 2016-03-28
- plan [code] Plan
files 2016-01-10
- attentions
[code] Budget your Twitter (with Martin Klepsch, Clojure Cup
2015) 2015-12-07
- praxis [code]
Programming practice 2015-10-18
- instantetymonline
[code] Instant etymology search 2015-10-15
- netpowder
[code] A mini-server in the browser 2015-09-30
- ttt-api [code]
Tic-tac-toe API 2015-09-26
- What makes a good interface?
- Netpowder, a mini-server in the browser
- Grok LOC? 2015-08-19
- A short overview of the file system
- Locks and concurrency 2015-08-07
- xv6 [code] Working
my way through xv6 2015-08-07
- No Computer
- Page tables and virtual memory
- What’s on the stack?
- What is a shell and how does it
work? 2015-06-26
- Grokking xv6
- sai [code] Toy Lisp
interpreter 2015-06-15
- Writing A Lisp Interpreter
- rrange [code]
Rough range util in Racket 2015-06-10
- Instadoc - quick access to documentation
- Nand to Tetris 2 2015-05-29
- Nand to Tetris 1, with Dan
Luu 2015-05-22
- How to Follow pmarca on
Twitter 2015-05-15
- pmarca-chen
[code] Twitter bot that retweets 10% of pmarca’s tweets
- Law Of The Instrument
- unfolds [code]
A jungle of ideas 2015-05-07
- The Watsi Experiment
- Perturbation
theory and TQSSA [paper] 2015-04-18
- Unfolds:
a jungle of ideas (prototype) 2015-03-17
[code] Dashboard for merchants and customers 2015-02-01
- breakfast
[code] A live web chat connected to IRC (Clojure Cup 2014)
- Etymological
Delights 1-10 2014-06-09
- vaulted-clj
[code] Clojure Vaulted client 2014-06-08
- Using
regular expressions to learn a language 2014-06-02
- Web
framework in Clojure 2014-05-26
- Commmunication
wells 2014-05-18
- Coin
change problem 2014-05-12
- How
to make scrambled eggs 2014-05-05
- The
Simplicity Toolkit 2014-04-28
- Simple
error handling using slingshot and clj-http 2014-04-21
- Which
companies own your phone screen real estate?
- Basic
auth in Clojure 2014-04-07
- Gaps
and Anomalies: 16-20 2014-03-31
- webframework
[code] Web framework in <4h and <100 LOC 2014-03-27
- Ten weeks
in a row 2014-03-24
- How
to beat confirmation bias in any given domain 2014-03-17
- Gaps
and Anomalies: 11-15 2014-03-10
- Two types
of errors 2014-03-03
- Rex
and Albert: meet Romeo and OJ 2014-02-24
- Gaps
and Anomalies: 1-10 2014-02-17
- Anatomy of
a Om component 2014-02-10
- Bifurcation
Analysis with XPP 2014-02-03
- quirky but declarative and interactive 2014-01-27
- Decade
dollars and using the right level of precision 2014-01-20
- followhackers
[code] Subscribe to people on HN and get email updates (Clojure
Cup 2013) 2013-09-30
- dsa [code] Data
structures and algorithms in C 2013-06-25
- hedgehog
[code] Clojurescript library for live data-binding (with Conner
Petzold) 2012-12-06
- guinea [code]
Chat Server in Go (with Senthil Arivudainambi) 2012-11-20
- chipper [code]
Toy DSL for logical gates 2012-11-01
- Writing a
DSL in Clojure 2012-11-01
- How
are you spending your time? 2012-10-01
- wsevents
[code] Websockets abstraction for handling events in Go (with
David Peter) 2012-08-22
- terrago [code]
Fractal terrain generator (with David Peter) 2012-08-22
- montego [code]
Monte Carlo simulation in Go (with David Peter) 2012-08-18
- onefoot
[code] Static site generator in Bash 2012-07-29
- barefoot
[code] Static site generator in Clojure (with Zach Allaun)
- clojurescript
reflection [code] (Contributor) 2012-06-26
- trapunto
[code] Pseudo-live image generator in Clojure (with Alexander
Clare) 2012-06-23